在 ReadTheDocs 上自动构建#

本文介绍了如何在每次将合并请求合并到相应的 GitHub 仓库时,自动在 ReadtheDocs 上重建文档。

使用 ReadTheDocs 服务#

可以在 GitHub 仓库设置中启用 Webhook 和服务,以允许 ReadTheDocs 等第三方服务。ReadTheDocs 服务会在将合并请求合并到 GitHub 仓库时重建项目文档。

添加 ReadTheDocs 服务#


服务/添加 ReadTheDocs 窗口将打开。按绿色的添加服务按钮激活 ReadTheDocs 服务。

In GitHub, the "Settings" tab of the ipywidgets repository shows that the "ReadTheDocs" service was successfully added to the project. A checkbox with the label "Active" indicates that the service is currently running.


ReadTheDocs 服务已成功添加。该服务将在下次合并拉取请求到项目仓库时生效。

In GitHub, the ipywidgets repository page is open. A banner notification at the top of the page is displayed, reading "Okay, that hook was successfully created."
